
2017-05-31 10:17 来源:挖币网 阅读:11585

借此机会,我们也呼吁BTC Core开发团队和相关挖矿企业尽快就扩容技术路线问题达成一致,停止对抗,尽快激活SegWit,解决目前的BTC交易拥堵问题。在互联网文明发展的历史里,从IE浏览器到Nokia手机,不管曾经多么强大,市场份额有多大,所有不拥抱先进技术、不尊重用户体验的行为都已经被证明是自寻死路的行为。从长期来看,全球所有的交易平台只能把技术先进、尊重用户体验的数字资产推荐给我们的客户。
OKCoin币行 400-888-6636
Dear OKCoin users,
OKCoin was founded on a commitment to providing our users the best product, technology, and trading experience. Over the past few years, we have received frequent requests to launch a variety of digital assets on our exchange. Our stance, as a sophisticated digital asset trading platform that serves millions of users around the world, has always been to be prudent about adding new digital assets that have not been fully tested by the market.
Recently, OKCoin users have taken interest in the development of Ethereum (ETH) and Ethereum Classic (ETC), and there is an increasing demand for OKCoin to enable ETH and ETC trading. For the past two years, we have been constantly reviewing the viability of listing ETH and ETC d on factors including technical maturity, innovation, market liquidity, and compliance.
Today, we are formally launching ETH on the OKCoin exchange. Ethereum has a current circulation of 90 million, with ETH reaching a market cap in excess of USD 10 billion, and a total hashrate of more than 25K GB. Hundreds of applications are now built on Ethereum and a growing number of applications are using smart contracts run on the Ethereum blockchain.
More than 20 top global financial institutions and technology companies, including JPMorgan Chase, CME Group, BNY Mellon, Thomson Reuters, Microsoft, Intel, and Accenture, have set up the Enterprise Ethereum Alliance (EEA) to define enterprise-grade applications of Ethereum. China's Tencent, Zhong An Insurance and other well-known companies are also investigating various applications of blockchain. The United Nations has just launched its first large-scale Ethereum test to distribute humanitarian funds.
Given this opportunity, we implore BTC Core developers and relevant Miners to work together and resolve any outstanding technical issues, activate Segwit, and solve BTC’s scaling issues. Our industry and the history of technology offers us many warnings, whether it’s the IE browser or the Nokia mobile phone. No matter how dominant, how much market share you have, if you do not adopt the latest technology and fail to constantly improve on the core user value proposition, time will pass you by. Ultimately, digital asset exchanges around the world can only advocate for the best technology and aim to provide the best trading experience for our clients.
OKCoin will officially enable Ethereum (ETH) deposit and withdrawal services on 22:00, May 31. ETH trading services will be officially available on 12:00, June 1.
We pride ourselves on excellent product and quality customer service. We at OKCoin look forward to continuing to provide you with the best trading products and services.
OKCoin Bihang: 400 - 888 - 6636
2017 - 5 - 31

